Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Triangle Dress

This dress was the first thing that I designed myself. I made the pattern and sewed it. It is unfinished (not hemmed at the bottom and no zipper in the back). This was fun for me because I learned a lot from it.

At this point I had not taken any sewing classes and I had no clue how to make a pattern. I just kind of went with what I thought was supposed to happen. There are definitely things that I know now that would help me go back and refine this, but for being try number one at pattern making, designing, and really sewing something (not just attaching 2 pieces of material together) I am very pleased with the outcome.

The thing that made me happiest with this dress is seeing that yes, I could make patterns and have it come out looking mostly like what I wanted, and I also learned that I actually had a lot of fun making the pattern. This dress, as crude as it may be, really kick started my motivation to keep moving forward with learning to sew.

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