Sunday, June 6, 2010

Faux Fur Collar

I'll be honest with you... I have NO idea what this is for.

The only thing I can think of is its kinda like a scarf that you tie on instead of wrap around. But then again, it sits on your shoulders and not around your neck to keep you warm. *confused face* Anywho, I made it because it was simple and fast and it gave me a reason to play with this super soft faux fur that I had just laying around.

Working with the faux fur was messy! The fuzzies kept falling off everywhere. Maybe I was doing something wrong, maybe the material was just not that great of a quality. I just don't know. The bottom part is black crushed velvet (which by the way made the fur fuzzies stick to it like a super magnet). Other than the fur flying, this was a very easy little project. Stick ribbon between top and bottom. Sew top to bottom. Turn inside out. Slipstitch open end to finish. Done.

Super Fast. Super Easy. Still don't know what its for :)

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